Homem propõe casamento sobre prancha de surfe, mas deixa anel cair no mar

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Christopher Garth pede a mão da amada em casamento (Foto: AP)
Christopher Garth pede a mão da amada em casamento (Foto: AP)

Um homem decidiu ousar ao pedir a mão da namorada em casamento: surfando ao lado dela.

Quando domava uma onda, Christopher Garth, de 38 anos, ajoelhou-se na prancha ao lado da de Lauren Oiye, de 32, tirou uma caixinha com o anel e fez o pedido.

Só que o momento romântico acabou mal: Christopher deixou o anel de noivado cair na água.

Lauren, natural do Havaí (EUA), contou que o surfe faz parte do relacionamento. O casal se conheceu nas ondas.

Lauren ficou sem o anel de noivado, mas disse sim a Christopher.

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• •• Like everything with us... there is always a good story to accompany. • •• This morning my best friend @this_garth and I went out for a surf. Little did I know he would be asking me to be his partner for life! • •• Story time: we caught a wave together at the surf break we met at and had many of our first dates. I turn back to make sure he was on the wave with me and he was on one knee with a ring box and screamed out “Lauren, I love you! Will you marry me?!” At first I thought it was a joke and then realized it clearly wasn’t. And of course I am beside myself that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man that I LOVE from the depths of my entire being, is a bigger feminist than I am, and makes me laugh everyday and reminds me how simple and beautiful life is. • •• Christopher Garth, I love you and am so grateful the stars aligned and our ancestors that came before us so beautifully orchestrated this for us! Here’s to a lifetime of laughter and keeping things simple and authentic! • •• I said YES 💍 • •• Thank you @tommypierucki @aaronmizu @lisaunderwater @chrisberinger for documenting this incredible event! ❤️🙏🏽❤️

Uma publicação compartilhada por Lauren Oiye, LMHC (@laurenoiye) em

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